What Lessons Should Parents Impart to Prepare Their Children for LifePreschoolPrimaryThoughts by John Pang - December 8, 2015December 8, 20150 Yahoo Singapore had an article recently about 50 life lessons every parents should teach their children. I had a looked at it and I selected the few top lessons that I would love to impart to my kids.Here’s my choice list“Don’t worry about what people think of you” - A
Newborn Diapers You Should Look ForBabyReviews by Makiyo San - November 25, 2015June 6, 20160 One of the most common questions faced by many new mommies is – which brand of diaper is most suitable for newborn? Today, there is a wide variety of brands of newborn diapers available and in different price range to suit each parent. In particular for a first time mom, you
6 Things Husbands Should Never Say During LabourPregnancy by John Pang - November 12, 2015June 6, 20162 This is an inspired article from DJs Flying Dutchman and Glenn Ong on FM 91.3. Was listening to it last week on the radio for their list of "Not to Say" advice for husbands when their MRS are in labour. I thought it would be good to just share a