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Effective Ways on Washing Baby Clothes with Stains

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One of the hardest jobs – ever!

The popular quote “Having an empty laundry basket is the best 5 seconds of the week” gained 113,000 likes on social media because parents relate to this on a daily basis.

Washing baby clothes isn’t an easy task, as it requires careful washing and using appropriate detergent for these delicate clothing. It may sound real simple, especially when thought of their little and cute booties and onesies. But before anything else, we should consider some factors including our baby’s delicate skin and more.

Here, I have compiled effective ways on dealing with baby’s clothes and stains.

1. Choose mild detergents.

Baby’s skin is very delicate. We should look out for an alternative detergent that is very safe for their skin. I recommend choosing the organic laundry detergent.

2. Wipe stains straightaway.

The very moment their clothes got stains, wipe them away instantly. Trust me, it’s worse if you wait till your next washing schedule. Removing stains before they dry up will save you from a lot of manual work and time.

3. Use baby friendly laundry detergent and fabric conditioner.

Organic products are highly recommended especially when baby’s skin is very sensitive. If not, you can still prefer to use the normal detergent as long as it will not have any allergy reaction from your baby.

Fabric softeners will not only boost softness and aroma, but will also make them feel very comfortable and smooth.

4. Separate cloth diapers.

Wash your cloth diapers separately and right after having soil on it. You can wash the cloth diapers every two days by soaking the diaper first. Use hot water for soaking. It is also recommended to wash them in hot water and avoid using detergents with fabric softeners. They clog the fibers of cloth diapers and prevent them from being absorbent. Cloth diapers are being used to absorb urine and if softeners are used to clean them, the water will bubble up causing leaks.

So, what are your thoughts mommies? Drop your comments below!

Michelle Gaspacho
A multi-tasking mom of two wonderful baby girls. A full time and working mom at the same time. When first baby was born, took a big decision to get out of my comfort zone and take care of her, instead of being an office mom. Being into a new environment, I got easily adjusted as I have set my priorities very well with them. Being a mother is very adventurous. A life changing event and it requires your love, patience, understanding and dedication to keep moving.Let's treasure our time spent with them, because time flies too fast just like how fast they grow up. :)