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Women Needs Support In Continuing Their Studies Even When Pregnant

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Women need positivity, encouragement and support. Without all these, a pregnant women or a mom wouldn’t be able to continue studying on higher education.

All of us had our ups and downs, especially us women. The more we face it, the stronger we become. It’s all up to us to make our dreams happen.

Getting pregnant is a difficult pace especially for teens or in early twenties, especially those that are still studying. It’s a very difficult situation and students often find themselves clueless between being a good mother and studying.

Here are some testimonials of mothers who had experienced the same path:

“I was so tempted to give up uni and get a full time job because I really needed money to support my baby,” she says. “My friends and family discouraged me from leaving Uni and after speaking to my course leader, who said it would be OK for me to attend only once a week and just catch up online at home, I felt relieved”, Hania Abdullah, 23, studying health and social care at the University of Greenwich.

“I’m still breastfeeding, so two-days a week I’m in all day and need to express some milk so I don’t get uncomfortable,” she says. “I was just going to sit in the loo but my lecturer found me an empty office and seemed horrified that I’d been in the toilet. They’ve made arrangements for me to have a private space now when I need it and have sought advice on helping me store the milk”, Jade Kettle, 26, studies social work and social policy at the University of Nottingham.

Some had also experienced discouragement from peers but remained intact with that is right. “When I first found out I was pregnant and told people on my course, two girls advised me to have an abortion, because they thought it was a bad idea to study while being pregnant.”

Studying is not just for young people or for single people. And the fact that you can do things, parenting your children and studying is really inspiring.

Source: The Guardian

Michelle Gaspacho
A multi-tasking mom of two wonderful baby girls. A full time and working mom at the same time. When first baby was born, took a big decision to get out of my comfort zone and take care of her, instead of being an office mom. Being into a new environment, I got easily adjusted as I have set my priorities very well with them. Being a mother is very adventurous. A life changing event and it requires your love, patience, understanding and dedication to keep moving.Let's treasure our time spent with them, because time flies too fast just like how fast they grow up. :)

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